1. Verizon: Yesterday Dave was officially laid off from his job at Verizon. It's a pretty heavy thing. He's been there for almost 12 years. We met in a Verizon training class. Over the years, Verizon has been a rollercoaster and in the last few years, we watched layers of layoffs. We were always grateful that Dave wasn't in the mix, but this year wasn't so lucky. I think it depends on how you look at it.
2022 Double Time Now
1. Verizon: Yesterday Dave was officially laid off from his job at Verizon. It's a pretty heavy thing. He's been there for almost 12 years. We met in a Verizon training class. Over the years, Verizon has been a rollercoaster and in the last few years, we watched layers of layoffs. We were always grateful that Dave wasn't in the mix, but this year wasn't so lucky. I think it depends on how you look at it.
L is for Lazy or is it for Labored
A few weeks ago I had to create a short "get to know you" questionnaire for my new team at work. One of the questions was how would you describe yourself. I gave a few physical descriptors and "I am pretty lazy".
It may sound like a poor decision to include that in a presentation that would be seen by my supervisor/boss. In a normal situation that would be true, but my supervisor is someone I worked with for many years and I feel confident that he knew/knows my current work ethic.
I say "lazy" because I'm a big "completionist". Those of you who know me well, would know that I take great pleasure in finishing things-lists, projects, and stupid things like finishing a box of cereal. It's a big driver in my life. Not because the act of completing things is fulfilling (although it is), but because my brain believes that once I finish x, y, and z things will be easier/better.
Consciously, that doesn't make sense. If I finish a box of cereal, I have to open a new one. There's no real benefit, but it doesn't have to make sense for my brain to believe it.
This week I had this insane revelation. It happened while I was sitting in church after ANOTHER stressful experience getting my girls out the door (I kid you not, it takes them 30+ minutes to get shoes on and walk out that door). Neither of my daughters care for church very much and I admit I am not perfect in my attendance since COVID-so without that consistency they have developed a bit of a fight against it. You could maybe blame that on their own stubborn personalities too, but that doesn't necessary matter.
In my head I was grumbling to myself and I started to cry. I was so frustrated because I felt like I was trying so hard in my life-specific to church in this instant. During this frustrated, angry crying mini session-I wondered why that made me so unhappy. Shouldn't the effort and things I did bring me joy? The good things bring the spirit-etc.
Almost instantly I received a big insight. I was mad because I did all these good things in my life for the rewards I wanted in my life. I believed that when I did the completed this mental checklist in my head, I would get the blessings or things I wanted in my life. I was upset because things were still hard, just as hard as it has always been. I believed that it would get easier based on friends comments, faith, etc. In those thoughts, I discounted everything else because I didn't care about the other futures in that situation.
What a slap in the face! That's not how life works and I can't expect my life to mirror others. My life and my family is very different from any others in history, dynamics, etc.
Yikes, guys. I HATE the journey, I need to look to the future with hope and stuff. I wonder if that's a serious thing that is reflective of the last 12 months. Things have been hard for everyone and it's difficult sometimes to wake up and do the adult thing every day. I have to hope things will be better in the morning, next week, next month, etc. If I don't have that kind of hope and faith in the future, I would probably just quit.
I wish I had some great resolve with that self insight, but I don't. I feel really "labored" and definitely would like things to be easier sometimes (especially with parenthood/church). Why does it always feel like there's more fight than follow inn the things that matter? That seems a little unfair. "I didn't say it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it."
Le Sigh.
Hindsight is always 2020
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Our cute little family 8 years ago |
2. Refinance: Dave and I bought our house in 2012, in the middle of a really intense recession. The price was really good. It was still pretty high by our standards at the time, but it has paid off. We refinanced to a shorter loan timeframe and a much better interest rate.
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Not swimming, but better than nothing :) |
5. Swim Class: We hit the swim classes for both girls at the rec center this year. It was a lot closer and less intense to get them to class. While Emily did great, Cami really excelled this year with swimming. We lucked out with a private class (thanks to no one else enrolling in the class). Cami's teacher, Ashley, really pushed her beyond her comfort level. Cami hated that, but it was cool to see her really break free of those limits.
Old and busted. I guess no picture of the new one. |
Do the dead feel love?
Do you ever look for dead people?
I don't mean like Hailey Joel Osmond in the Sixth Sense, looking for ghosts in dark corners or cemeteries.
During the last ten days I found myself looking for my dad. I would see an older man with peppered dark hair in the airport or another much taller older man standing in line at the grocery store and I stared these men down as if I could mold them into what my brain needed.
Obviously, these men remained strangers and not the super rad man I grew up with. He wouldn't be standing still in that line. He would probably be talking to someone nearby with that old twinkle in his eye (I swear it twinkled when he smiled). It would be a pretty useful tool to cheer others in the pandemic, the blue glittering above his facemask. On the airplane he would probably be holding a thick fantasy or science fiction book in his hands, the kind with pictures that look like they were produced in 1975.
My dad has been gone for around 8 years and man, if I had one wish that could transcend power on earth this year it would be to see my dad.
2020 has been really hard and I wonder what this year would have been like with my dad around. I like to think he would be a light and blessing to everyone around him, including me. He was far better than I will ever be and I try very hard to exemplify the love he showed so easily. It's very difficult for me and hard to shut out the hate and negativity that I feel like a real weight in the air.
Maybe I wish for him this year and right now because I miss feeling his love.
I am very blessed to have love from many around me, but in 2020 I want that GIANT bubble of love I felt from my dad.
2020 broke me
Future Wants & Present desires
I've been thinking a lot about what I want for my life: now and future. I have some friends in different positions that I am and (I'm going to be super real here) I'm totally judging. I look at their (in my mind) naivete and youth with my ancient (ha ha) expertise and judging the crap out of their decisions.
I think these things like, "I hope they really think hard about this decision." or "I hope that they've really thought about what this will look like in the future."
To justify my judgy thoughts I think things about my own choices over the past, "If I really took a step back and thought about how the future would look, I would have done things different."
In some ways, my self-assessment is fair. I probably would do things different if I really looked at, but in some ways that wouldn't matter.
Follow me with this thought process in very general terms. When I was young, I had a lot of really weighty decisions (baby, marriage, house, relationships, etc.) I made a lot of these decisions out of necessity-I can't exactly be indifferent about a pregnancy....I made choices with a lot of thought.
I'll give one specific example because I'm pretty vocal about it.
I let go of a few friendships by choice, actively turning down invitations and non-communication. The decision to do that was a look at the current relationship with those people. One friend literally only hung out with me at parties, bars, drinking, or smoking. I looked at the future and was like, ya, that's not my game anymore I don't really want to do that. Another friend is the other extreme, super churchy and expressed judgment over my choices. I looked at the future and said, no, I want relationships and friendships with people who build me up and encourage growth.
I don't feel any regret with those specific examples, but sometimes I do feel regret about some choices. I'm human after all.
Often people say stuff like, "Humanity aren't trees, we aren't rooted to one spot. We can change and grow. End relationships, jobs, hobbies, or whatever makes you unhappy."
This thought is both inspiring and terrifying to me, but that's a different topic.
I was sitting here thinking about those things two things: examining the future/making choices, and changing them later.
I think I'm right when I say we aren't trees. I'm glad for that because how else would I get to enjoy Dr. Pepper, my sweet girls hugs, or a cute new shirt? So we're better than trees, but I would step beyond that "changing if we want" attitude.
I was talking with this lady at Great Clips yesterday (cause I'm that cheap with haircuts) and she's a big believer in astrology. We talked about signs (My entire close family are grouped under signs that are considered stubborn. No surprise there.)
When I think about stubborn, I do think of trees. They are beat upon in wind, rain, snow, animals, bugs, etc. Yet they grow tall. If it was a cute sentient acorn:
This cute sentient acorn would be like, "I want to be a tree when I grow up, a beautiful tree with luscious fluffy leaves, and perfectly shaped branches. If I grow right here in this soft ground under the sun, it's going to be perfect."
Cute acorn learns quick that this stuff is not how he pictured it. It's hard and tough, "If I was human, I could change." but he's not.
When he grows up to a tree, it's not picture perfect. He probably looks more like a really messed up Frankenstein tree, but man that view of the sky is worth it.
I don't know if that makes any sense. Quick sum up: I don't know if change is always the better option. It's okay to not be happy with the way things have turned out. Too often people are like "attitude is everything". Well, okay, but I can't really step in dog poop and be like, "Okay, that was great!" My point is embrace what life has become because it will work out. We'll all get a good look at the sunshine.
I feel like I just got a pick at the sunshine and it looks pretty good from down here. I may not be the happiest tree in the forest, but I'm in the forest and I'm growing. If I just picked up and moved my roots whenever things got hard or looked crappy, I would never grow.
I'm not making a comment on overcoming diversity or getting stronger from what may break us down. It's more a comment on attitude. Stubbornness over change.
2019: New Adventures
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She has no idea what it means. |
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Road trip |
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This photo has nothing to do with his promotion. It's my favorite from this year though. :D |
4. 2nd Grade: Cami started 2nd grade this year. Her teacher this year has really challenged her. It was an adjustment at first, but it's been so great to see her grow. She really enjoys reading and math. Right now she's loves learning about double digit subtraction. She's always been a numbers and letters girl. It's so fun for her to continue in that journey
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I'm aware her eyes aren't open. Smiling with eyes open is a foreign concept to Emmy. |
6. Amazon Affiliate: As a stay at home mom, I'm always looking for a side hustle. I donated plasma for the last year and a half and decided I didn't really want to FULLY DESTROY my veins. One side hustle I stumbled across was Amazon Affiliate/Associate Program. I decided to try it out. I started a group and it has grown to over 1200 members in 6-7 months. I will never be rich as an Amazon Affiliate, but it's so fun to see deals and save money. I only post things I would buy and it acts as a psuedo-wish list for myself. It's been a really fun project, but it has taken some time to find a decent balance between work and fun.
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Actual photo of my book post initial printing |
8.Tate Family Vacation: For the first time in a bazillion years-or maybe it just feels that way. 99% of my side of the family (except Andrew) met up for a family vacation in Cedar City. I literally can't remember the last time we were all together that wasn't for a tragedy. I must have been a teenager or something. So maybe decades? Anyway, I love my family so much and it was so much fun for us to be together. It was great to see all of the next generation get together and play. Late night games and random adventures with my family are my favorite.
9. Hunt/Larsen Family Vacation: Two years ago we started doing big family vacations with Dave's family every other year. This year we ventured to a beautiful house on the Oregon coast. The view was amazing and the company fantastic. I'm grateful to call Dave's family mine and I'm glad we have these extended vacations so that I can build relationships with those that are far away and experience the dynamics of his family. Highlights included crabbing, exploring tide pools, playing on the beach, whale spotting from the house, and fireworks at sunset.
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The smile proves that this was before surgery |
11. Dance: The girls are trying something new this year: dance. It was quite the adventure to find decent studios that aren't going to cost me a car payment every month. Emily absolutely loves dance. She is a mover and has a never ending supply of energy. She loves dancing to anything and everything. She is thriving at dance. Cami has found dance a little bit more challenging than she likes (aka she cannot do the splits like so many other girls in her class). It's been a lot of fun to see this side of the girl life.
12. Cami's Baptism: This year Cami turned 8! After quite a few discussions this year and a little bit of uncertainty, she decided she wanted to be baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She's such an incredibly sweet girl. I'm very lucky to have wonderful daughters that love the Savior as much as they do.
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sneak photo |
No photo here. Sorry? 14. Myriad: My old boss at Myriad hired me on as a part time temporary clerk to help out with authorizations for a while during the busy season. I LOVE MYRIAD. It's been so fun to see the friendly faces and work out these problems for people. Even in the clerk work, I find a lot of satisfaction and reward being back at a company I love with people I care for.
No photo here either. 15. Spaceeee: This is literally how my next book is titled in my save file. When I quit my job, I had this really cool idea for a science fiction book. It's been kicking around ever since and I let it out to play this year. The book has actually morphed into a sort of duology (2 book series). It's such a fun book to write! I would like to write every day...if only I had the energy and time! ha!
No photo. 16 Choir: Cami started another side project after school on Fridays. She wanted to join choir at her elementary school. It's super low key and she has a lot of fun. There's a performance later this year and I think the songs they sing are Disney themed songs so of course it's fun for every one.
Last no photo 17. Support: This year I stepped out of my comfort zone and I asked for help and support. I've never been good at that (who is? I would like to meet them). I feel so blessed to have the family and friends that I do in my life. They stepped up to my needs and they stepped up fast from babysitting, Fiiz drinks, sharing my Amazon page, participating in the page, driving my kids to school/back, etc, etc. I've never felt more supported in my entire life. If I trust fell right now in the middle of my kitchen, no one would catch me because who could see that right? But if I called, texted, facebook status/messaged I needed a catch, I feel sure someone would be there as soon as possible. I don't know if I deserve that kind of support, but it makes my life seem a lot more bearable and lot more happy.We need each other in this world. It's not weakness.
I do not pick words every year. My memory is terrible and I would hate to fail because of ONE word, but if I could pick a word to describe 2019, it would probably be GROW. One step at a time, word at a time, relationship at a time, thing at a time, whatever at a time.
What is life if you aren't growing and trying to do better? I'm trying and 2019 was some little steps in the right way.