
This Fight

Work has been really slow lately. It makes the days feel long and my mind more crazy.
At work, we have patient speakers come and talk to us. They tell their story to reminds us of the impact of our work and to share their experience living with a hereditary cancer syndrome.
It's very powerful to hear people empowered and taking their life back from generic predisposition.
I get something more. I remember applying/interviewing and knowing this was where I belong. I'm not here to earn a paycheck; we don't really need it.
My dad's cancer is not hereditary (as far as science can tell), but if genetic testing could save his life, I would fight for it.
Sitting in the  auditorium, I felt him. I really believe he put me here.
I'm fighting for wonderful people to live until their 90, see their kids and grandkids grow up. I can't go back in time and save my dad, but each genetic test I fight for gives knowledge and power to others.