
Farewell Tommy Tool

I have one constant tradition with my new roommate, Trash TV time. Every Sunday we watch "dramatic reality TV shows" like Daisy of Love, Frank the Entertainer and Tool Academy.  Elimination happens in nearly all of these shows. Tool Academy is easily my favorite. I adore seeing "tools" acting in their natural habitat and seeing their idiot girlfriend drama. 
Last night, we bid farewell to my favorite tool: "Loony Tool" aka Tommy.  The drunk boy hasn't been sober first episode. Like the other tools, he has been cheating on his girlfriend...and it was revealed that he has been seeing someone else consistently along with his girlfriend. He left yesterday after a private therapy session disclosing this other woman and his AA meetings. I'm going to miss Loony Tool. He offered hilarity among the extremely dramatic, violent atmosphere.  When anything startling was said or revealed his perfect "o" shaped mouth always provided me with a laugh. 
Goodbye Tommy, you were a pleasure to view every Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. hey chick- i just found this- why did you not tell me? I am your favorite sister so what in the world? anyway---I loooove your picture, so darn cute, you are growing up. awww. i remember when you were born. awww, again. love ya
