

Sometimes I think Las Vegas, Nevada is the most awkward place in the United States. It's an odd collection of people from different places and different levels of intelligence.
Dave and I spent a weekend in Vegas for a birthday/one year engagement celebration.
One night we're walking and already we had an odd following. We were walking behind a bunch of girls and in front of a bunch of 20 something guys.  In front of us people were marketing "clubs" for the girls and as soon as they passed they flicked cards at the boys for "boobies".
One of the guys we're walking in front of runs up to Dave, "Wanna get some yogurt later?"
Dave's reacted immediately, "Yogurt?"
"Ya, we've been following you guys for a while down the strip and maybe we should ya know?"
Yogurt with strangers...drunk strangers...which we didn't do...but it was still an odd request. Maybe we should have got their phone numbers or something.

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