It's a novel that should not be ignored and I believe that everyone should read it. On my preferred book web site, I posted a review that I wanted to share:
11/22/63 is a beautiful work and I dare say it's Stephen King's finest that I have read. I'm not ready to be finished with this book.To write a review about this would be unholy and none of my words about this book can do Stephen King justice.
11/22/63 is an epic story about time travel, changing the future and truth.
Stephen King really knocked this one out of the park. The whole book pulled together so well. It can't be duplicated the way the themes and plot points return and harmonize with all of the parts.
His characters in this book are forever. Jake Epping/George Amberson is more than a character I remember while reading a fantastic plot. After spending the past two months-he's more like my best friend, sharing his secrets with me. I'm going to miss Sadie Dunhill and Al Templeton in ways that I miss my dearest family members.
I wish I knew Stephen personally so I could hug him and really thank him for sharing this story with me. It felt so personal and close to my heart. It changed me. Everyone should read 11/22/63.
"The butterfly spreads its wings"
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