
Mice Corpses and Beauty

I usually think my workplace is a pretty nerdy, boring place. We all work our shifts with normal appearances, not a lot of crazies.  My coworkers are a combination of normal people (mostly middle aged women) with big hearts and super nerdy science people. Overall, I tend to think I work in a pretty normal environment.  I feel that way for months at a time until I see a post like this on the employee online bulletin board.

After reading that post, I had many thoughts and questions.
1. This girl digs through owl throw up.
2. Cruelty free? Do you think the mouse thought that it was pretty cruel free when the owl's beak sliced into its belly?
3. Does she have pet owls? Or does she know where some owls roost in order to dig through said bird yak?
4. Where did she come up with the idea to use this in conjunction with flowers and jewelry? Mice bones do not scream beauty and femininity.
5. $20 a pop for dead animal and fake plants, I'm pretty sure you could find these things in a field for free at various stages of decomposition.
6. This idea inspires me, I think I shall go dig through cow manure for some digested flower seeds to press between two pieces of glass. It's beautiful right? I'll take your money

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