
Do Mice Have 9 Lives?

I mentioned previously our problem with mice lately.  Well, update there, we have gone more than 14 days without a mouse incident. The last incident was pretty memorable due to our new "shocking" mouse trap.
We had the trap four about three days and caught one mouse beneath our kitchen sink, not exactly a colony catcher, but it was doing the job.
Cameron and I were curled up on the couch, watching Daniel Tiger when I saw him.  One small mouse scurry around the the corner of the tv stand.  This wouldn't be so bad, but the mouse turned left and began to crawl towards Cam and I. Uh, no.
I stood up, scaring the little bugger away. I could care less where he was going.  I fetched our new lovely trap and set it right next to the tv stand.
20-30 minutes later, Dave came home and the three of us were playing and talking on the couch when we hear this electric sparking noise coming from behind the tv.  It's gotta be the trap causing electric interference or something.  Stupid trap is too sensitive.
So I pick up the trap and move it away from the wiring and I see it, the mouse's nose poking out the bait holder in the back. I sucked in my scream and nearly threw the trap back on the ground.  
The little weasel was quick to get to the bait, but as a result, probably was shocked...twice, hence the electric sparking noise. 
I killed him, twice, and the last mouse to die this year so far. Maybe the shock was strong enough to go through his brainwaves to other mice nearby.
Whatever the reason, the Hunt household is mouse free. 

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