

Thanksgiving goes too fast and I feel like I've missed so many things to be thankful for. It's easy to misplace them when you are sitting at Thanksgiving dinner. There's turkey, potatoes, green beans, and Dave sitting across from me. At this dinner there is the traditional naming of something you are thankful for. How can I not say family? But there's more. There's more in my heart that I can't say out loud because some people don't know me or can't understand.
This year has been hard for me. I know it's subjective, so maybe these things aren't bad for other people. Two of my brothers passed in nine months, living on one income, TERRORIST THREE'S/never ending potty training, both shoulder injuries, and various medical stuff.
There's something I believe in all these hard things, life is balanced. Where there has been hard things, there have been really great things.
1. Community: I believe this house was for us. The place I live and the people around me have been so incredibly important this year. From my best friend, two different Relief Society presidents, to neighbors. After Mark died, I had a really hard time with doubt. When you are living your life with the people around you it's easy to believe. I have a testimony of the gospel, but I needed reassurance, to know that he was okay. I was sitting in church when it hit me that, this community is in tune. These women around me answered Heavenly Father and helped me. I cannot put into words how much this meant to  me this year.
2. Temple: Right after I came home from Ohio, I went to my bishop for Tithing Settlement. While there, I interviewed for entrance to the temple. I have a limited use recommend for the first time in ten years. I did baptisms with my brother, Dennis, and his family two days later. I would like to say I had some amazing experience there, but I didn't. What I did feel, was happy, and peace. Like a hug. I am so thankful for the temple. I hope to finish my temple work this year (after talking with someone).
3. Family: Okay, I'm saying it again. There's a reason though that's deeper than just saying "family". There's Dave's family. A family I married into, but has given me the extra sisters and brothers I need and care for. I'm grateful that I was able to visit Ohio this year and see the family back there. I love them so much and I cam so glad to have them in my life. We are put into families for reasons and purposes. I think of my siblings and there parts in my life: Lara, Dennis, Derrick, and Mark have played immense roles in who I was, am, and will be. I love them all so much and I want to be with them!
4. Calling: I've only been Youth Sunday School teacher for a few months, but man, Heavenly Father knew what was up when he called me. The lessons in the "Come Follow Me" manual are amazing and powerful. Although they are for teaching the youth, I'm definitely getting a lot from this calling. Also seeing the young people and their strength. Holy moly, this generation will be warriors.
5. Kids:In the same air as earlier, Cami and Emily came to Dave and I for a reason. Sweet, sensitive Cami and her big heart. Strong, cuddly Emily with her bright smile. They can beat me down easy, but they can also build me up in dark times.

This is only five, but they are the biggest things in my heart. The irreplaceable things from this year, the things I am most grateful. There is always good to overcome the hard and dark parts of life.

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