
Reading for the Illiterate

On Nightly News Brian Williams (or whatever his name is) was talking to this kid who was wearing a pin that said he read 50 books in the school year.  He said that adults definitely don't read that many in a year.
I got a little defensive! Back in the day I used to read tons and tons--a new book every week or two. 
So I logged onto goodreads (the only decent way I can track my "to reads" and "reads" so I don't repeat).  I've only read four books this year...working on five.  Half way through the year and I've only read four books. The sad part is that out of the five, I've only enjoyed about half. How pathetic!
Sitting on a squishy couch, curled up with a book and some tunes playing in the background. Instead, there's Cameron crying or a commercial break at work. Wouldn't it be great, if everyone was granted a reading break? Somewhere in the middle of the day, where you can stop and just lose yourself in a story.

Just in case your wondering, I'm working on "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". I caught wind of the book and all the whispers of the plot. I love a good murder mystery (Dateline/60 Minutes).  When I was a kid, I used to watch them with my mom, to see if I could figure stuff out before they said it. 
Anyways, I went back and forth on reading this book for a month. It sounded good--then I saw the movie--and it scarred me.  I took it off my list-put it back on-took it off-etc.
I put it back on for the last time; maybe the book will be different. Reading something is a lot different than seeing.
I'm loving the book. I feel like Lisbeth has one pale hand around my wrist, dragging me into the mystery. Even though I know what's going to happen, there's something more meaningful to a plot when read.  The feelings are more personable than seeing it on the big screen. Why am I blogging right now? I should read!

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