
I need Spring Break

I wear chaos on my sleeve today. Last night at three, I woke up after dreaming about law cases and couldn't sleep because I was worried I was going to forget them for a test I didn't have.  I dropped my hair straightener on my wrist for a new embossed bracelet I call "3rd degree burn". I hurried to class to be filmed live for an introduction to last week's story on campus cougars.  After listening to law cases float around my head and Then also spent two hours filming for a project that I will spend another two hours editing-the result? A 1 minute 30 second boring segment on gardening for the university's news program that no one watches. It makes me laugh that there is so much craziness right now, craziness linked to the end of my college career.  I need a massage. No-- more than that, I need Spring Break. Two days, my love, two days.

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